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New Row Primary School, Castledawson

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2016/2017 School Year

30th Nov 2016
Year 2 have been busy reading lots of stories about their topic on houses.  They...
30th Nov 2016
Year 7 have been busy completing the U- ICT task 'Victorian Times.' The children...
30th Nov 2016
On Thursday 24th November the Year 7 class travelled to Rainey Endowed Magherafelt...
30th Nov 2016
The boys and girls from Year 7 completed their coaching programme with a blitz in...
30th Nov 2016
As part of the 'Thinking About the Past' (Victorians) topic Year 7 worked in pairs...
30th Nov 2016
On Monday 28th November the girls from years 5, 6 and 7 participated in a Camogie...
15th Nov 2016
Year 1 have been working hard during their play activities and having lots of fun!!😀😀
8th Nov 2016
On Monday 7th November Year 7 participated in the first 2 lessons of their partnership...
29th Oct 2016
On Friday 28th October the children and staff dressed in their brightest clothes...
29th Oct 2016
We had a special visitor on Tuesday 25th October at assembly. Sustrans Officer, Tom...