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New Row Primary School, Castledawson


2019/2020 School Year

11th Feb 2020
Our topic this term was all about toys! We have been learning about how toys move...
11th Feb 2020
Year 1 have been learning about different materials!  We predicted which materials...
11th Feb 2020
Year 1 have been having lots of fun learning about words that rhyme!  In our...
30th Jan 2020
Year 3 have been exploring their new topic "Home Sweet Home". We explored building...
29th Jan 2020
Once again our Grandparents and others afternoon was a highlight of Catholic Schools’...
28th Jan 2020
Year 2 have been loving their new topic Brr it’s Freezing. They have been learning...
28th Jan 2020
We have started our new topic in Year 4 and we are learning all about World War 2!...
12th Dec 2019
We have been learning about light and dark!  We know how to stay safe on the...
12th Dec 2019
We have been sorting & building with 3D shapes.  We went on a shape hunt...