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New Row Primary School, Castledawson

All News

2016/2017 School Year

1st Oct 2016
Year 7 worked in groups to create a trailer for Roald Dahl's "B.F.G." The children...
1st Oct 2016
Year 7 enjoyed many activities during number and pattern week. The class made some...
29th Sep 2016
Year 2 are learning all about the 5 senses.  To help us test our senses we carried...
23rd Sep 2016
Year 2 are making the most of the beautiful weather by playing outdoors.  We...
12th Sep 2016
Year 2 have been really busy during number time.  We have been using cuisenaire...

2015/2016 School Year

26th Jun 2016
New Row PS was delighted to welcome Irish Olympic Marathon runner Breege Connolly...
26th Jun 2016
We marked the end of many years at New Row or our P7 pupils this week at a special...
26th Jun 2016
Congratulations to the Eco Council, Mr McIver and the entire school on achieving...
23rd Jun 2016
Year 2 went on an exciting minibeast hunt today. Year 7 helped them search the sensory...
17th Jun 2016
Non-uniform day today at New Row and year 6 really took it seriously!!  Have...