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New Row Primary School, Castledawson

All News

2017/2018 School Year

30th Apr 2018
Year 2 were treated to a visit from our good friend Maurice who told them all about...
30th Apr 2018
As part of our topic, Dr Skelly visited our classroom to tell us about his job as...
30th Apr 2018
We have been strengthening up our balancing and co-ordination skills this week to...
30th Apr 2018
Year 1’s topic has been about growing!  We have been learning about babies...
30th Apr 2018
Dr Skelly had lots of fun showing year 1 the job of a Surgeon!  We saw some...
27th Apr 2018
Year 2 had a visit from local audiologist and good friend Christina O'Kane.  This...
26th Apr 2018
The Year 4 children are working exceptionally hard on their multiplication and division...
26th Apr 2018
The Year 4 children are really enjoying their new class novel called "Flat Stanley"....
24th Apr 2018
Year 2 have been learning lots about people who help us in our community.  They...
24th Apr 2018
We are having fun learning about the 3 R's- Recycle, Reduce, Reuse. We are getting...