Access Keys:

New Row Primary School, Castledawson


April 2016 June 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sun 1

Mon 2
School Closed for Mid Term
Tue 3
School Closed for Mid Term
Wed 4
School Closed for Mid Term
Thu 5
School Closed for Mid Term
Fri 6
School Closed for Mid Term
Sat 7

Sun 8

Mon 9
Health Promotion Week Begins
Mother & Toddler Group (9:15-11:00am in the Assembly Hall)
MultiSkills p1&p2 (2pm to 3pm)
Afterschool Gaelic Football P4&P5 (3pm to 4pm)
Tue 10
Armagh Diocesan Educational Advisors Visit all classes
Taster Tuesday - Special Dinner for Health Week
After School Maths Magic P5 (3pm to 4pm)
Lunchtime Knitter Club p7 girls (12:45 )
After School French p4&p5 (3-4pm)
Wed 11
P4 Fit For Life £2 for Bus
S Derry Track & Field Event - Meadowbank (9:30am- 1pm)
After School French P4/P5 (3pm to 4pm)
After School Athletics P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
Thu 12
Year 7 Leavers Photo for Derry Post
After School Maths Magic P3 (2pm to 3pm)
After School Glee P4/P5 (3pm to 4pm)
After School Rounders P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
Fri 13
Monthly Mass at St Patrick's - Everyone Welcome (10am)
After School iPad P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
After School Tin Whistle P2/P3 (2pm to 3pm)
Sat 14

Sun 15

Mon 16
Walk to School Week Begins
Mother & Toddler Group (9:15-11:00am in the Assembly Hall)
Afterschool Gaelic Football P4&P5 (3pm to 4pm)
MultiSkills p1&p2 (2pm to 3pm)
Tue 17
Friends of New Row Meeting (7pm)
Y7 Shared Education at CPS
After School French p4&p5 (3-4pm)
Lunchtime Knitter Club p7 girls (12:45 )
After School Maths Magic P5 (3pm to 4pm)
Wed 18
All County Football Festival Owenbeg Boys and Girls
After School Athletics P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
After School French P4/P5 (3pm to 4pm)
Moyola GC Afterschool Lessons (3-4pm)
Thu 19
Y5 Shared Education with CPS (9:30am)
After School Rounders P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
After School Glee P4/P5 (3pm to 4pm)
After School Maths Magic P3 (2pm to 3pm)
Fri 20
Communion Food to be left in hall at 2pm
After School iPad P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
After School Tin Whistle P2/P3 (2pm to 3pm)
Sat 21
First Holy Communion (11am at St Patrick's Church,Castledawson)
Sun 22

Mon 23
Mother & Toddler Group (9:15-11:00am in the Assembly Hall)
MultiSkills p1&p2 (2pm to 3pm)
Afterschool Gaelic Football P4&P5 (3pm to 4pm)
Tue 24
Lunchtime Knitter Club p7 girls (12:45 )
After School French p4&p5 (3-4pm)
After School Maths Magic P5 (3pm to 4pm)
Wed 25
Moyola GC Afterschool Lessons (3-4pm)
After School Athletics P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
Thu 26
After School Maths Magic P3 (2pm to 3pm)
After School Glee P4/P5 (3pm to 4pm)
After School Rounders P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
Fri 27
Y1 Assembly - All Welcome (9:30 to 10am)
After School Tin Whistle P2/P3 (2pm to 3pm)
After School iPad P6/P7 (3pm to 4pm)
Sat 28

Sun 29

Mon 30
Bank Holiday School Closed
Tue 31
School Development Day