Access Keys:

New Row Primary School, Castledawson


May 2019 July 2019
Saturday, 1st June 2019
Y7 Placement letter out Check your post!
Speedwell Event (Magherafelt PS)
Monday, 3rd June 2019
Y7 JEP Sales afternoon (1.45-2.45)
Y5 SWIM (£2.50 plus £1 (returnable) for Locker)
Y6 Literacy & Numeracy Afterschool (3-4pm in Year 6)
Tuesday, 4th June 2019
SPORTS DAY!! (St Malachy's GAA Pitch)
Wednesday, 5th June 2019
SD Girls Football Championship (Glen GAC 10 am start)
Y3 Trip to Portglenone Forest (Back for Lunch)
PE for Year 1 and Year 2
Violin lessons
Thursday, 6th June 2019
Treat Day!
St Mary's Grammar GL Information Evening (7pm)
Y5-Y7 Meadowbank (timed Mile)
Y2 Shared Ed in NRPS (10-12 noon)
Friday, 7th June 2019
SPX induction day for Year 7s
Y 1 Induction Day (1.30)
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
First Friday of the month WALKING BUS (meet at Broagh Village 8.20am)
Monday, 10th June 2019
Y5 SWIM (£2.50 plus £1 (returnable) for Locker)
Y6 Literacy & Numeracy Afterschool (3-4pm in Year 6)
Tuesday, 11th June 2019
Assembly and Awards
Farm Safety Talk for All pupils (in the Afternoon)
Special BBQ dinner (£2.60)
Wednesday, 12th June 2019
CastleCup Boys Football (Glen GAC 10 am start)
Y2 Shared Education at CPS (10-12 noon)
Violin lessons
Thursday, 13th June 2019
Y7 Soccer Tournament at Knockloughrim (9.30-12 noon)
Treat Day!
Year 4 Fit for Life FUN DAY!
Friday, 14th June 2019
Y5-Y7 PE Programme through Mid Ulster Council
Year 1 Assembly (9.30)
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Monday, 17th June 2019
St Mary's Grammar Sept 2019 Y8 Intake From 1:50pm
Friends of New Row AGM followed by Coffee and Cake Celebration (6.30pm)
Y5 SWIM (£2.50 plus £1 (returnable) for Locker)
Parent and Toddler Group End of Year Party
Y6 Literacy & Numeracy Afterschool (3-4pm in Year 6)
Tuesday, 18th June 2019
Castle Cup Camogie/Hurling (10 am start at Glen GAC)
Assembly and Awards
Wednesday, 19th June 2019
Y7 Salmon Farm trip to Bushmills with Knockloughrim PS (leave at 9.15 sharp pack a lunch)
Y6 St Mary's Gaelic Football Tournament
Y3/Y4 School Trip
Violin lessons
Thursday, 20th June 2019
Year 7 School Trip
Year 5 and Year 6 School Trip
Treat Day!
Friday, 21st June 2019
Aaron Devlin Cup Ballinderry (10 am start)
Y1 and Y2 School Trip
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Monday, 24th June 2019
Year 7 Leavers Assembly (1.30)
Y5 SWIM (£2.50 plus £1 (returnable) for Locker)
Tuesday, 25th June 2019
Sponsored Bookathon walk leaving 1.15
End of Year Mass (9.30)
Thursday, 27th June 2019
Treat Day!
Friday, 28th June 2019
Last full day of school