Access Keys:

New Row Primary School, Castledawson


April 2019 June 2019
Wednesday, 1st May 2019
Violin lessons
Speedwell Club (Afterschool at New Row PS)
Thursday, 2nd May 2019
Treat Day!
Y1 Health Visits with nurse
Friday, 3rd May 2019
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Y7 Shared Ed. 10-12 noon at CPS
All coppers due today
First Friday of the month WALKING BUS (meet at Broagh Village 8.20am)
Sunday, 5th May 2019
Last Bridge Mass (9am St Patrick's Castledawson)
Monday, 6th May 2019
Athletics at Meadowbank (10 to 12 noon)
Bank Holiday No School
Tuesday, 7th May 2019
Fresh little minds Parent evening (7pm at New Row PS)
All Recycling Due to School
Wednesday, 8th May 2019
Speedwell Club (Afterschool at New Row PS)
Violin lessons
Thursday, 9th May 2019
Treat Day!
Friday, 10th May 2019
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Year 2 Assembly (9.30)
Sunday, 12th May 2019
Y7 Confirmation in Magherafelt (3pm)
Monday, 13th May 2019
Y5 SWIM (£2.50 plus £1 (returnable) for Locker)
Y6 Literacy & Numeracy Afterschool (3-4pm in Year 6)
Tuesday, 14th May 2019
Assembly and Awards
Breege Connolly Olympic Dare to Believe with Y5/Y6 (1.15 in Hall (PE Gear Needed))
Wednesday, 15th May 2019
Violin lessons
Y1-Y3 PE
Thursday, 16th May 2019
Treat Day!
Year 7 Meadowbank Track and Field (All DAY)
Friday, 17th May 2019
Y5-Y7 PE Programme through Mid Ulster Council
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Saturday, 18th May 2019
First Communion at St Patrick's , Castledawson (11am)
Monday, 20th May 2019
Y5 SWIM (£2.50 plus £1 (returnable) for Locker)
Y6 Literacy & Numeracy Afterschool (3-4pm in Year 6)
Tuesday, 21st May 2019
SD Boys Football Championship (Glen GAC 10 am start)
Assembly and Awards
Wednesday, 22nd May 2019
SPEEDWELL Last Session (Pls bring in Trip consent forms)
Violin lessons
Y1-Y3 PE
Tafelta Writing Workshop in School Y5,Y6
All County Camogie (10 am at Owenbeg)
Thursday, 23rd May 2019
Y4 Fit for Life £2.50 for bus
Treat Day!
Eco Speak NRPS Heats
Friday, 24th May 2019
Staff Development Day No School for pupils
Monday, 27th May 2019
Bank Holiday No School
Tuesday, 28th May 2019
Assembly and Awards
Y6 Literacy and Numeracy Afterschool club 3-4
Y7 Shared Education at CPS
Wednesday, 29th May 2019
Numeracy Stay and Play fpr Y1-Y4 (9.30am)
Violin lessons
PE for Y1-3
Thursday, 30th May 2019
Treat Day!
St Mary's Grammar Taster Day for Year 6
Friday, 31st May 2019
Y5-Y7 PE Programme through Mid Ulster Council
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!