Access Keys:

New Row Primary School, Castledawson


March 2019 May 2019
Monday, 1st April 2019
Year 7 Swim £2.5 for bus
Y7 St Mary's GS Debating Event (6 pupils) (am and swimming in afternoon as usual)
Y6 Transfer Mtgs with Mrs Graffin (Pls prebook a place )
Last day of Afterschools Coding and Maths Detectives
Tuesday, 2nd April 2019
Assembly and Awards in School
Y 6 Transfer Mtgs with MrsGraffin (Pls call office to prebook a place)
Y5 &Y6 PE
Wednesday, 3rd April 2019
Speedwell Club (Afterschool at New Row PS)
Violin lessons
Thursday, 4th April 2019
Y4 and Y5 Fresh Little Minds Afterschool til 4.15
Year 4 Fit for Life (dress warm and bring £2.5 for Bus)
Y7 Salmon Release with Knockloghrim (bring willies or old trainers to change into)
Friday, 5th April 2019
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Monthly Mass 9.45am (Mrs Murphy will attend)
Y7 (Bellaghy) invitation to take part in Lenten Talk (bring work and arrive at 7.20pm in Bellaghy)
First Friday of the month WALKING BUS (meet at Broagh Village 8.20am)
Monday, 8th April 2019
Y4 and Y5 Fresh Little Minds Afterschool til 4.15
Year 7 Swim £2.5 for bus
Tuesday, 9th April 2019
Y5-Y7 Meadowbank (10-12)
Wednesday, 10th April 2019
PE in Hall for Y1: 10am, Y2: 9.10am, Y3: 10.45am
Violin lessons
Thursday, 11th April 2019
Y4 and Y5 Fresh Little Minds Afterschool til 4.15
Friday, 12th April 2019
Shared Education Questionaire Due
SPX Maths Quiz two teams from Y6 Y7 (10-12)
Y3 Assembly (9.30)
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Monday, 15th April 2019
Year 7 Swim £2.5 for bus
Year 4 Fit for Life (dress warm and bring £2.5 for Bus)
Tuesday, 16th April 2019
EASTER RAFFLE!! (1.15 in hall)
Wednesday, 17th April 2019
Violin lessons
PE in Hall for Y1: 10am, Y2: 9.10am, Y3: 10.45am
NEW DATE!! Y4 Service of Light (in Magherafelt at 7pm)
Thursday, 18th April 2019
Parish Mass with singers from Y4-Y7 (5pm)
Easter Break (School finishes at 11am)
Friday, 19th April 2019
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Easter Break
Monday, 22nd April 2019
Easter Break
Tuesday, 23rd April 2019
Easter Break
Wednesday, 24th April 2019
Easter Break
Thursday, 25th April 2019
Easter Break
Friday, 26th April 2019
Easter Break
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Monday, 29th April 2019
First Day back for all