Access Keys:

New Row Primary School, Castledawson


October 2018 December 2018
Thursday, 1st November 2018
Mid Term Break
Friday, 2nd November 2018
Mid Term Break
Sunday, 4th November 2018
Bridge Mass for Year 4 (9:00am)
Monday, 5th November 2018
Mid Term Break (Staff Development Day)
Tuesday, 6th November 2018
Jr Gymnastics Y2 (2-3)
Wednesday, 7th November 2018
Violin Lessons
Treat Day!
Y6-Y7 Cross Country After school club (3-4)
After school Lego Club Year 4 (3-4)
Y1-Y2-Y3 PE with Eoin (Ulster GAA) (mornings)
Thursday, 8th November 2018
After School ICT club (Y6&Y7) (3-4)
After school Tin Whistle (3-4)
Year 6 and Year 7 Irish lessons with Mid Ulster Council
Friday, 9th November 2018
Flute and Clarinet Lessons (mornings)
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
After school Gaelic Football (3-4)
Y5 Assembly all parents/family/friends welcome (9.30am-10am)
Walk to School Morning with Castledawson PS - All Welcome (8.20 depart from Broagh Village)
Monday, 12th November 2018
Anti Bullying Week Begins
Shared Education with CPS at New Row
Arts and Crafts After School week 4 of 6
Tuesday, 13th November 2018
Last day to collect items for Road of Hope
Jr Gymnastics Y2 (2-3)
Wednesday, 14th November 2018
Violin Lessons
Y6-Y7 Cross Country After school club (3-4)
After school Lego Club Year 4 (3-4)
Y1-Y2-Y3 PE with Eoin (Ulster GAA) (mornings)
Treat Day!
Year 5 Speedwell Club with CPS (3-4:30)
Thursday, 15th November 2018
After school Tin Whistle (3-4)
After School ICT club (Y6&Y7) (3-4)
Year 6 and Year 7 Irish lessons with Mid Ulster Council
Year 4 Fit for Life (9:45 - 11;30)
Friday, 16th November 2018
Flute and Clarinet Lessons (mornings)
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
After school Gaelic Football (3-4)
Saturday, 17th November 2018
GL Assessment Test for Year 7s
Sunday, 18th November 2018
Staff Dinner (School Closes at 1pm)
Wednesday, 21st November 2018
Digital Leader Trip to Apple Store in Belfast (home by 3pm)
Y1-Y2-Y3 PE with Eoin (Ulster GAA) (mornings)
Treat Day!
Violin Lessons
Thursday, 22nd November 2018
Whole School Road Safety HomeWork!
Year 6 and Year 7 Irish lessons with Mid Ulster Council
Friday, 23rd November 2018
Credit Union Savings Program collection every Friday!
Flute and Clarinet Lessons (mornings)
Wednesday, 28th November 2018
Violin Lessons
Y1-Y2-Y3 PE with Eoin (Ulster GAA) (mornings)
Treat Day!
Year 5 Speedwell Club with CPS (3-4:30)
Thursday, 29th November 2018
Year 6 and Year 7 Irish lessons with Mid Ulster Council
Year 4 Fit for Life (9:45 - 11;30)
Friday, 30th November 2018
Flute and Clarinet Lessons (mornings)