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New Row Primary School, Castledawson

Friends of New Row


Friends of New Row is a group of parents, teachers and friends of the school who are very active, enthusiastic and work together to raise the funds which allow us to support our school.  Our aim is to try and do this in ways which include as many children, parents and wider school community as possible.

What do we do?

We hold various events throughout the year e.g. Raffles, cash for clothes, sponsored walk and table quiz.  Money raised from such events is used for the benefit of the children within New Row.

Our Friends of New Row Committee would like to emphasise how important it is to get the support of all parents, whether as members of our committee, occasional helpers or as supporters to our events.

We would like to thank all parents for their support and we would like to hear your views on the kinds of events you would be interested in attending or indeed willing to help organise. Please contact any of our committee members or Mrs Deirdre Graffin ( Principal).


Mrs Marianne Cushley (Chairperson)